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Groundwater resources of the world and their use / Подземные (грунтовые) воды мира и их использование

Редактор(ы):Everett L.G., Зекцер И.С.
Издание:United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, 2004 г., 345 стр., ISBN: 92-9220-007-0
Groundwater resources of the world and their use / Подземные (грунтовые) воды мира и их использование

The International Hydrological Programme (IHP) is as an evolving programme, ready to adapt to the needs of an ever changing society. In order to respond promptly and with appropriate actions, the programme is implemented in six year phases, so as to identify new emerging problems, alert decision makers, raise public awareness and provide the necessary resources.

Today, integrated water resources management poses not only scientific, but also technical, socio-economic, cultural and ethical challenges. IHP is a multidisciplinary programme at the forefront of research and development; and to this end is a prominent agent in meeting the United Nations Millennium Goals.

Since the seventies IHP has focused in particular on hydrogeology and studies related to groundwater resources.

The intention of this monograph is to contribute to a better understanding of the crucial role played by groundwater resources in the support of both the ecosystems and mankind. This volume does not claim to offer the full picture as far as world groundwater resources are concerned; indeed our knowledge of the world and its most important aquifer systems is far from complete. As such, in years to come, some of the information contained in this monograph will require updating and this through results of new studies and activities initiated and carried out by UNESCO.

All those who have contributed to this monograph have done so on a voluntary basis and are fully committed to continuing the development of existing knowledge in the field of groundwater resources. 

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