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Groundwater studies

Редактор(ы):Kovalevsky V.S., Kruseman G.P., Rushton K.R.
Издание:Paris, 2004 г., 430 стр., ISBN: 92-9220-005-4
Groundwater studies

Understanding of groundwater has developed significantly since 1972 when the first part of the original volume of Groundwater Studies was published by UNESCO. Yet for someone who is just commencing the study of groundwater, there is still a need for a text which will help in starting their work. For those with a greater experience in hydrogeological investigations, there is a need to increase awareness both of more recent work and information about techniques which are outside their previous experience. This new volume is intended to meet both of these needs and therefore it has the subtitle ‘An International Guide for Hydrogeological Investigations’.

This document was prepared in the framework of the Fourth Phase of the International Programme as Project M-1-3 that was supervised and directed by Habib Zebidi, Water Science Specialist, Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO and after his retirement in 1999 by his successor Ms Alice Aureli.

Dr Habib Zebidi has drawn contributors and members for an editing committee from different countries. They brought to this volume their own distinctive perspectives, for all are acknowledged experts with extensive experience of practical groundwater issues. The members of the editing committee have provided a certain unity of style end presentation and also they have tried to keep the size of this document in hand. Each chapter is intended to provide sufficient information to comprehend the fundamentals of the topic; in addition reference is made to publications where further information can be obtained for more detailed study. The contributing authors are listed below per chapter and details are given in Appendix A-3.

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