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Mechanical controls on collision-related compressional intraplate deformation

Выпуск 300
Автор(ы):Cloetingh S., Jan-Diederik van Wees, Ziegler P.A.
Издание:Journal Tectonophysics, 1998 г., 27 стр.
Mechanical controls on collision-related compressional intraplate deformation

Intraplate compressional features, such as inverted extensional basins, upthrust basement blocks and whole lithospheric folds, play an important role in the structural framework of many cratons. Although compressional intraplate deformation can occur in a number of dynamic settings, stresses related to collisional plate coupling appear to be responsible for the development of the most important compressional intraplate structures. These can occur at distances of up to 1600 km from a collision front, both in the fore-arc (foreland) and back-arc (hinterland) positions with respect to the subduction system controlling the evolution of the corresponding orogen. Back-arc compression associated with island arcs and Andean-type orogens occurs during periods of increased convergence rates between the subducting and overriding plates. For the build-up of intraplate compressional stresses in fore-arc and foreland domains, four collision-related scenarios are envisaged: (1) during the initiation of a subduction zone along a passive margin or within an oceanic basin; (2) during subduction impediment caused by the arrival of more buoyant crust, such as an oceanic plateau or a microcontinent at a subduction zone; (3) during the initial collision of an orogenic wedge with a passive margin, depending on the lithospheric and crustal configuration of the latter, the presence or absence of a thick passive margin sedimentary prism, and convergence rates and directions; (4) during post-collisional over-thickening and uplift of an orogenic wedge. The build-up of collision-related compressional intraplate stresses is indicative for mechanical coupling between an orogenic wedge and its fore- and=or hinterland. Crustal-scale intraplate deformation reflects mechanical coupling at crustal levels whereas lithosphere-scale deformation indicates mechanical coupling at the level of the mantle-lithosphere, probably in response to collisional lithospheric over-thickening of the orogen, slab detachment and the development of a mantle back-stop. The intensity of collisional coupling between an orogen and its fore- and hinterland is temporally and spatially variable. This can be a function of oblique collision. However, the build-up of high pore fluid pressures in subducted sediments may also account for mechanical decoupling of an orogen and its fore- and=or hinterland. Processes governing mechanical coupling=decoupling of orogens and fore- and hinterlands are still poorly understood and require further research. Localization of collision-related compressional intraplate deformations is controlled by spatial and temporal strength variations of the lithosphere in which the thermal regime, the crustal thickness, the pattern of pre-existing crustal and mantle discontinuities, as well as sedimentary loads and their thermal blanketing effect play an important role. The stratigraphic record of collision-related intraplate compressional deformation can contribute to dating of orogenic activity affecting the respective plate margin.

МеткиCollision, Compression, Intraplate, Lithosphere, Rheology, Rifting, Коллизия, Литосфера, Рифтогенез
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