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Выпуск 11
Автор(ы):Dilek Y., Furnes H., Shallo M.
Издание:Journal Gondwana Research, 2007 г., 23 стр.
Suprasubduction zone ophiolite formation along the periphery of Mesozoic Gondwana / Образование офиолитов в надсубдукционной зоне по периферии мезозойской Гондваны

Neotethyan suprasubduction zone ophiolites represent anomalous oceanic crust developed in older host basins during trench rollback cycles and later entrapped in orogenic belts as a result first of trench-passive margin and then continent–continent collisions. The Middle Jurassic Mirdita zone ophiolites in northern Albania constitute a critical transition between the dominantly mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-related Early Jurassic Alpine–Apennine ophiolites in the west and supra-subduction zone (SSZ)-generated Cretaceous Eastern Mediterranean ophiolites in the east. The previously recognized Western- and Eastern-type ophiolites in the Mirdita zone display significant differences in their internal structure and pseudostratigraphy, but their geochemical affinities are more gradational in contrast to the earlier claims that these ophiolites may have formed in different tectonic settings at different times. Crosscutting relations of dike intrusions in the Eastern-type ophiolites indicate changes in the chemistry of magmatic plumbing systems from basaltic to andesitic, dacitic, rhyodacitic, and boninitic compositions through time and from west to east.

МеткиAlbanian ophiolites, Boninites, Chemostratigraphy of extrusive sequences, Jurassic oceanic crust, MORB to SSZ transition, Neotethys and Gondwana, Slab rollback, Suprasubduction zone ophiolites, Гондвана, Неотетис, Офиолиты, Слэб, Юра
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