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Редактор(ы):Baker V.R.
Издание:NASA, Washington, 1978 г., 170 стр.
The Channeled Scabland

As the Mariner and Viking spacecrafts photographed the large channels on Mars, they generated a renewed interest in the erosional effects of large quantities of running water. As the debate continues whether these channels were caused by catastrophic floods, wind, lava or mudflows, it is imperative to examine, in the field, the morphologic criteria which appears to be diagnostic of catastrophic flooding. Hence this field conference to the Channeled Scabland.

ТематикаЧетвертичная геология
МеткиScabland, Геоморфология
Источник:NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Discussion of the geomorphology, paleohydrology, stratigraphy, and chronology of the Missoula Megafloods. Similar to the megafllods of the Altai Mountains, Siberia.
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