Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
What is the quality of the sample and assay data? Am I confident enough in my data to be able to make a potentially costly decision? These are the types of questions which should be asked when dealing with assay data.
This document gives guidelines for taking duplicate measurements by in-situ analytical instruments, or collecting duplicate samples for analysis in the mobile field laboratory, to assess random errors originating from sampling and analytical procedures, and to estimate the uncertainty of measurements. Since, NORISC is dealing with the assessment of contamination of small-size areas within cities, and relies mainly on in-situ analytical methods, a cost-effective technique, using robust analysis of variance for the estimation of necessary quality control parameters, and measurement uncertainty, is explained with examples <...>
Resource modelling is a complex process involving different specialists with relevant experience using a multi-disciplinary approach and the best available technology and reviews by independent auditors. The reliability of the final resource estimate is highly dependent on the quality control exercised at each stage of the process. At each step in the resource modelling process it is necessary to define the specific objectives, the methodology proposed to achieve those objectives and to establish a set of checks and validation tools to assess the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. Designation of responsibility and authority for meeting these objectives must also be clearly identified. External audits must also be incorporated to review and validate the implementation of new procedures.
Resource modelling is the basis for any economic appraisal of a mining project and includes a number of steps from data acquisition and validation to resource reporting, classification, and risk analysis
Control of analytical data quality is usually referred to in the mining industry as Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC), and involves the monitoring of sample quality and quantification of analytical accuracy and precision. QAQC procedures normally involve using sample duplicates and specially prepared standards whose grade is known. Numerous case studies indicate that reliable control of sample precision is achieved by using approximately 5% to 10% of field duplicates and 3% to 5% of pulp duplicates. These duplicate samples should be prepared and analyzed in the primary laboratory.
Vallée (1998) indicated that few exploration and mining companies have explicit and systematic quality-assurance policies, and identified three main approaches: laissez-fair, catch-as-catch-can, and systematic quality control, the latter being very uncommon. In the author’s experience, this situation has not significantly improved in the intervening twelve years.
A thorough program of quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) will enable collection of meaningful and scientifically credible samples. Quality assurance (QA) includes a range of management and technical practices designed to guarantee that the delivered product is commensurate with the intended use. For environmental- or discharge-related studies, QA ensures that the data are of adequate scientific credibility to permit statistical interpretations that lead to resource-use management decisions.
Цели, основные принципы и основной порядок проведения работ по межгосударственной стандартизации установлены ГОСТ 1.0-92 "Межгосударственная система стандартизации. Основные положения" и ГОСТ 1.2-97 "Межгосударственная система стандартизации. Стандарты межгосударственные, правила и рекомендации по межгосударственной стандартизации. Порядок разработки, принятия, применения, обновления и отмены" <...>