Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Smith D.A.
Издание:University Press of Colorado, 2009 г., 296 стр., ISBN: 978-0-87081-957-5
The trail of gold and silver. Mining in Colorado 1859-2009 / По следам золота и серебра. Добыча в Колорадо 1859-2009 гг.

Duane Allan Smith has been called many things, but no one can deny he is Colorado’s most prolific historian, surpassing even the late, great LeRoy Hafen. The Trail of Gold and Silver is Smith’s fiftieth book. The University Press of Colorado’s Timberline Books series, which features the best current work on Colorado as well as classic reprints, proudly presents this master historian’s survey of 150 years of Colorado gold and silver mining. <...>

ТематикаИстория развития профессии, Полезные ископаемые
Редактор(ы):Frey D.G., Wright H.E.
Издание:Princeton University Press, 1965 г., 931 стр.
The quaternary of the United States. A review volume for the VII congress of the international association for quaternary research / Четвертичный период США. Материалы 7-го конгресса международного совещания по проблемам исследования четвертичного периода

The quaternary of the United States THE QUATERNARY PERIOD of geologic time encompasses the last ice age proper (Pleistocene Epoch) and subsequent time (Holocene or Recent Epoch). The Quaternary is unique among the geologic periods for the relative perfection of its stratigraphic record—and thus for the unmatched opportunity it affords to decipher historical details with an accuracy impossible for earlier periods. The framework of the continents even in early-Quaternary time resembled that of the present so closely that major relations of land and sea and their effects on the general circulation of the atmosphere were probably very like those of the present, except perhaps when world-wide lowering of sea level exposed continental shelves or created significant land bridges between continents and arctic islands. Reconstructions of past conditions therefore may be controlled by a geographic framework relatively easy to visualize. <...>

ТематикаСтратиграфия, Четвертичная геология
Автор(ы):Барон В.Л., Кантор В.Х.
Издание:Недра, Москва, 1989 г., 376 стр., УДК: 622.235 (73), ISBN: 5-247-01392-1
Техника и технология взрывных работ в США

Освещен опыт ведущих фирм США по производству н применению взрывчатых материалов в горнодобывающих отраслях промышленности п в строительстве. Описаны техника и технология взрывных работ на открытых и подземных разработках и даны практические рекомендации по выбору типов взрывчатых веществ, изложены способы заряжания и взрывания в различных горно-геологических условиях. Приведены методики распета рациональных параметров буровзрывных работ. Особое внимание уделено производству специальных взрынных работ, в стесненных условиях и при вскрытии месторождении, а также мероприятиям по повышению беяопаспости.
Для инженерно-технических работников горнодобывающих предприятий, научно-исследовательских и проектных организаций.

ТематикаВзрывные работы
Автор(ы):Conley J.F.
Издание:American Geophysical Union, 1989 г., 26 стр., ISBN: 0-81590-579-X
Stratigraphy and structure across the Blue Ridge and Inner Piedmont in Central Virginia. Field trip guidebook / Стратиграфия и структура Голубого хребта и Внутреннего Пьемонта в Центральной Вирджинии. Путеводитель полевой экскурсии

This field trip is based on reconnaissance geologic mapping in the Charlottesville 10 X 2 0 quadrangle as part of a new edition of the Geologic Map of Virginia (Figure 1). The first day of the field trip will be spent examining high-rank Grenville-age basement rocks that make up the core of the Blue Ridge anticlinorium. The second day will be spent examining greenschist facies Precambrian and Early Paleozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic cover rocks that unconformably overlie the Grenville basement and dip to the southeast, off the southeastern limb of the anticlinorium <...>

ТематикаГеологические экскурсии, Стратиграфия, Структурная геология
Автор(ы):Harrison J.E.
Издание:Urbana, 1948 г., 87 стр.
Relationship between structure and mineralogy of the Sherman granite, southern part of the Laramie Range, Wyoming-Colorado / Взаимоотношения между структурами и минералогией гранитов Шерман, южная часть хребта Ларамье, Вайоминг-Колорадо

Recent quantitative studies of gneisses in the Laramie Range by Newhouse and Hagner (1947) have resulted in the idea that structure of the host rock is a dominant factor controlling the composition of gneisses and schists. The Sherman granite, which is exposed in the southern part of the Laramie Range (Fig. 1), was selected for a quantitative study for three reasons: (1) a similar study had been made by Newhouse and Hagner on associated gneissic rocks which made it possible to correlate and compare results; {'d) most of the geologic contacts were mapioed previously, and thus nearly all of the field time could be devoted to a study of the granite; and (3) the area is of batholithic dimensions and is readily accessible. The problem was to determine whether any relationship existed between structure and composition of the granite, to explain the significance of any correlation or lack of correlation discovered, and to determine the relation of the Sherman granite to the Raggedtop gneisses studied by Newhouse and Hagner. <...>

ТематикаМинералогия, Петрография
МеткиВайоминг, Граниты, Граниты Шерман, Колорадо, США, хребет Ларамье
Автор(ы):Гулишамбаров С.
Издание:Типография В.О.Киршбаума, Санкт-Петербург, 1894 г., 192 стр.
Язык(и)Русский (Дореформенный)
Нефтяная промышленость Соединеннфх Штатов Северной Америки в связи с общим промышленным развитием страны

1. Нефть на высткавке в Чикаго

2. Обзор нефтедобывающей промышлености

3. Обзор нефтеобрабатывающей промышленности

4. Транспортировка нефтяных продуктов

5. Промышленное развитие Соединенных Штатов

6. Промышленные и торговые союзы

7. Учреждение Standart Oil и превращение её в Standart Oil Trust

8. Обзор всеминой нефтяной торговли и промышленности

9. Итоги мировой добычи нефти

ТематикаГорючие полезные ископаемые, Раритет
Автор(ы):Orris G.J., Zientek M.L.
Издание:U.S. Geological survey, 2005 г., 176 стр.
Geology and nonfuel mineral deposits of the United States / Геология и месторождения нетопливных полезных ископаемых США

This report, which is one of a series of reports summarizing the World’s endowment of nonfuel mineral resources, describes the location and general geologic setting of deposits of major mineral commodities in the United States. The discussion in this report focuses on those commodities produced in the United States that constituted at least 5 percent of global production or global reserve base in 2003 or had at least $100 million production value in 2001. The discussion for each commodity begins with a brief description of the chemical and physical properties of the material and how it is used. The importance of the commodity in the United States relative to the world is also presented. However, most of the discussion emphasizes the geology of mineral commodities – the important mineral deposit types, their geologic setting, and the processes that led to their formation. A compilation of almost 400 major mineral deposits in the United States is included as an appendix. <...>

Автор(ы):Stanton T.W.
Издание:Goverment Printing Office, Washington, 1895 г., 153 стр.
Contributions to the cretaceous paleontology of the Pacific coast. The fauna of the Knoxville beds / Представленность в палеонтологии мелового периода тихоокеанского побережья. Фауна Ноксвиллских отложений

Previous to the publication in 1869 of Vol. II, Palaeontology of California, the deposits on the Pacific Coast now recognized as Cretaceous were not divided into groups or formations. In that volume Professors Whitney and Gabb gave the name Shasta group to the complex series of Lower Cretaceous beds which they recognized to be of different ages, probably from the Keocomian to the Gault, inclusive. They also proposed the names Chico group, Martinez group, and Tejon group for the beds overlying the Shasta in the order named. Of these the Tejon is now generally believed to be of Eocene age, and the Cretaceous portion of the ill-defined and heterogeneous Martinez group is inseparable from the Chico.

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