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Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика

Издание 3
Автор(ы):Веденеева К., Циммерман М.Д.
Издание:Наука, Москва, 1991 г., 735 стр., ISBN: 5-02-022467-7
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика

When a translator of scientific and technical literature from Russian into English seeks the counterpart of some specialized term he turns to a dictionary or an original source in English. But terms are not the whole problem. They must be couched in the language of the particular branch of science or technology. A translation should be free of unidiomatic or amateurish passages. "The right word in the right place" is the translators' motto.

The present dictionary is an attempt to supply word combinations and expressions that may be of help in achieving this aim. It is not a dictionary of terms or idioms, but a collection of typical examples from scientific and technical sources. The words that make up the combinations are usually common to a number of branches of science and technology. The remaining words of illustrative context are not so important since they are only meant as "filters" to link the combinalion elements together. The user's attention should be focussed on the words in bold type.

The system of arrangement is strictly alphabetical (hyphenated combinations arc considered as one word), but there arc many cross-references to assist the user. These are given merely for general guidance and the translator should not confine himself to the item referred to, but should examine carefully the entry in question and several adjacent entries. Synonymous words or expressions arc given in brackets.

Whenever you fail to find the Russian combinalion you need, think of possible synonyms. Practical experience has demonstrated the expediency of this method.

The compilation of the dictionary took seven years. Since this was the first experiment of its kind numerous difficulties arose and quite a few questions remained unanswered. I realised thai many more years would be needed to bring ihc job to a slate anywhere near completion, and in a moment of weakness 1 was on the verge of dropping it altogether. It was L.E. Levant, head of the English Department of Mir Publishers, who persuaded me to have ihc book published there and then and took the job into his own hands. For this 1 will always be grateful lo him.

I wish to express my deep appreciation to my conscientious and strict editor G. Yankovsky, who possesses a perfect command of his native English, has for many years been working in Russian-English lexicography, and is an experienced scientific and technical translator. Thanks arc also due to my friends and colleagues at the English Department of Mir Publishers who supplied me with some useful expressions. Most helpful and enthusiastic assistance was given by N. Wcinstein, our top translator in the field of mechanical engineering.

ТематикаГеологический словарь
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