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The Alnö Carbonatite Complex, Central Sweden / Карбонатитовый комплекс Ално, Центральная Швеция

Автор(ы):Kresten P., Troll V.R.
Издание:Springer, 2018 г., 221 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-90223-4
The Alnö Carbonatite Complex, Central Sweden / Карбонатитовый комплекс Ално, Центральная Швеция

Carbonatites are by the International Union of Geological Sciences classified as igneous rocks containing more than 50% (modal) of primary (i.e. magmatic) carbonate minerals and less than 20 wt.% SiO2. Depending on the dominating carbonate mineral(s), the carbonatites can be further subdivided into Ca-rich (calciocarbonatites), Mg-rich (dolomite carbonatites), Fe-rich (ankerite carbonatites) and Na-rich (natrocarbonatites). They occur on all continents on Earth, including Antartica, and range in age from approximately 3 billion years old until the present day (Woolley and Kjarsgard 2008). <...>

ТематикаПетрография, Полезные ископаемые, Региональная геология
МеткиКарбонатиты, Комплекс Ално, Швеция
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