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Deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics: from minerals to the lithosphere / Механизмы деформации, реология и тектоника: от минералов до литосферы

Редактор(ы):Brun J.P., Cobbold P.R., Gapais D.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2005 г., 326 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-176-9
Deformation mechanisms, rheology and tectonics: from minerals to the lithosphere / Механизмы деформации, реология и тектоника: от минералов до литосферы

This volume is derived from the 13th meeting on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics (DRT2003). The meeting was held in St Malo (Brittany, France) in April 2003, and organized by an informal group from Gdosciences Rennes (UMR 6118 CNRS, Rennes University), including Michel Ballbvre, St6phane Bonnet, Arlette Falaise, Olivier Galland, Fr6d6ric Gueydan, Charles Gumiaux, Benjamin Le Bayon, Alain-Herv6 Le Gall, Monique Le Moigne, Sylvie Schueller, and C61ine Tirel. It was sponsored by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Rennes University, the ity of Rennes, the Conseil G6n6ral d'Ille et Vilaine, and the R6gion Bretagne. Forty-eight reviewers have worked hard to improve the papers. We thank these persons and institutions for their contributions.

ТематикаГеотектоника, Геохимия, Минералогия
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