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The fossiliferous cambrian succession on Fleurieu peninsula, South Australia / Ископаемая кембрийская последовательность на полуострове Флерье, южная Австралия

Автор(ы):Daily B.
Издание:Adelaida, 1963 г., 23 стр.
The fossiliferous cambrian succession on Fleurieu peninsula, South Australia / Ископаемая кембрийская последовательность на полуострове Флерье, южная Австралия

Adelaide Supergroup and Marino Group are proposed to replace the terms Adelaide System and Marinoan Series.
Arising from the discovery of Lower Cambrian fossils in metamorphosed rocks at Delamere a conformable sequence from the Precambrian Tapley Hill Slate to the Cambrian Carrickalinga Head formation has been established for the Delamere region.Comparison of this Precambrian-Cambrian sequence with that found north of Normanville indicates that only minor facies differences exist between the two regions. The Cambrian-Precambrian boundary is placed below the oldest fauna near the top of the Mount Terrible Formation, which is stratigraphically above the Marino Group.
The marble on Mount Rapid is equated with the Brighton Limestone and the Rapid Bay marble is tentatively regarded as being the same formation.

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