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Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data / Интерпретация трехмерных сейсмических данных

Издание 5
Автор(ы):Brown A.R.
Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, 1999 г., 527 стр., ISBN: 0-89181-352-7
Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data / Интерпретация трехмерных сейсмических данных

The oil and gas business has witnessed over the past decade a quantum leap in effectiveness of geophysics in E&P operations. Indeed the industry may never before have witnessed a technological advance as profound as or with the overwhelming business impact of 3-D seismic. Under refinement and development for almost three decades, the 1990s saw the coalescing of technical cross currents that have shaken the economic foundations of the oil and gas industry, and have fueled a world economic growth spurt. Today oil prices have been reported as being at the lowest level in 50 years, due in a major part to inordinately high supplies; that is, higher volumes found by 3-D seismic. <...>

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