
Earth before the dinosaurs / Земля до появления динозавров

Автор(ы):Steyer S
Издание:Indiana University Press, 2009 г., 160 стр., ISBN: 978-0-253-22380-7
Earth before the dinosaurs / Земля до появления динозавров

The New Yorker has commissioned many famous covers, but the most famous of all was the one that appeared on the March 29, 1976 issue. View of the World from yth Avenue is a charming work of ink, pencil, and watercolor by the artist Saul Steinberg. It is best viewed from bottom to top. At the bottom is Ninth Avenue, where you can easily make out the cars, streetlights, pedestrians, and a red and yellow sign in front of a lot that reads park. Your eye moves up a cross street to Tenth Avenue, and from there to the Hudson River, traversing the middle of the cover with an Amazonian majesty. Beyond the river is a grimy streak simply labeled Jersey. Beyond Jersey lies a non-descript block of green with three scattered mountains shaped like lumps of clay, along with a handful of names, like Kansas City, Chicago, and Utah. On the other side of the United States, the Pacific Ocean looks about the same size as the Hudson. <...>

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