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The story of the dinosaurs in 25 discoveries / История динозавров в 25 открытиях (Part 2)

Автор(ы):Prothero D.R.
Издание:Columbia University Press, 2020 г., 376 стр., ISBN: 978-0231190367
The story of the dinosaurs in 25 discoveries / История динозавров в 25 открытиях (Part 2)

Since the publication of my book Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters (Columbia University Press, 2007; second edition, 2017), the fields of evolutionary biology and paleontology have made many new discoveries. Meanwhile, the evidence for evolution has been piling up and accumulating since publication in 1859 of the revolutionary book, On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin. Some of that evidence is discussed in my first evolution book, but much of it is new, or mentioned only briefly in that book. <...>

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