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A colour atlas of carbonate sediments and rocks under the microscope / Цветной атлас карбонатных осадков и горных пород под микроскопом

Автор(ы):Adams A.E., MacKenzie W.S.
Издание:Manson Publishing Ltd, 1998 г., 181 стр., ISBN: 1-874545-84-7
A colour atlas of carbonate sediments and rocks under the microscope / Цветной атлас карбонатных осадков и горных пород под микроскопом

Examination of thin sections under the microscope is a key part of any study of carbonate sediments, as a companion to field or core logging, and as a necessary precursor to geochemical analysis. This book is designed as a laboratory manual to keep beside the microscope as an aid to identifying grain types and textures in carbonates.For the newcomer to the subject, carbonates can display a bewildering variety of grains, compared to sandstones, for example, and we hope this book will help to give confidence to those inirial observations. By illustrating more than one example of common grains and textures, we hope that the more experienced practitioner will also find assistance in identifying the unfamiliar. However, such is the diversity of carbonate sediments, that it is impossible to be completely comprehensive and if we have omitted your favourite bioclast, then sorry! Throughout we have tried to show good, but typical rather than exceptional, examples of each feature. It has not been our intention to supply much interpretation except where this is necessary to explain the origin of features illustrated. <...>

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