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The status of sampling practice in the gold mining industry in Africa: Working towards an international standard for gold mining sample practices / Практика отбора проб в золотодобывающей промышленности Африки. Разработка международного стандарта

Автор(ы):Spangenberg I.C.
Издание:Johannesburg, 2012 г., 163 стр.
The status of sampling practice in the gold mining  industry in Africa: Working towards an international standard for gold mining sample practices / Практика отбора проб в золотодобывающей промышленности Африки. Разработка международного стандарта

The status of sampling practices in the Gold Mining Industry in Africa was determined as an initial step in a process to standardise sampling practices in the Mining Industry. Several mines, metallurgical plants and laboratories were visited and the status of equipment, standards and procedures were rated to determine the potential influence of the relevant sampling errors on each component of the particular sampling system. The potential influence of specific management principles was also rated for each of the 21 gold mines visited in Africa. It was concluded that the potential influence of the relevant sampling errors are high in all areas of sampling in this study except for exploration and bullion sampling where it was found to be moderate. The potential influence of management and related principles was rated as moderate. The information deduced from the checklists can be used by each mine in the quest for correct sampling practices and it was appliedoverall to suggest leading practice procedures for all methods of sampling.

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