Understanding fossils. An introduction to invertebate palaeontology / Изучение окаменелостей. Введение в палеонтологию беспозвоночных

Автор(ы):Doyle P.
Издание:John Wiley & Sons INC, 1996 г., 422 стр., ISBN: 0-471-96351-8
Understanding fossils. An introduction to invertebate palaeontology / Изучение окаменелостей. Введение в палеонтологию беспозвоночных

Fossils are among the most highly prized natural objects in the world. They figure in our everyday lives as decorative objects in our homes, and as the dinosaur products which fill the toy and book shops and which periodically appear in the cereal packets at our breakfast tables. Collecting fossils is an absorbing pastime which grades into a passion for weekend geologists, and many students enter higher education through their interest, reading for degrees in the earth sciences which have a direct benefit for the national economy. <...>

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