Evolution of Earth and its climate. Birth, life and death of Earth / Эволюция Земли и её климата. Рождение, жизнь и смерть Земли

Издание:Elsevier, 2011 г., 573 стр., ISBN: 978-0-444-53757-7
Evolution of Earth and its climate. Birth, life and death of Earth / Эволюция Земли и её климата. Рождение, жизнь и смерть Земли

Science progresses by continuous testing of theories. Today, the Earth sciences are intertwined with both economic and social policies in a complex world, more so than most of us could ever have imagined. Challenging the first principles of science and developing alternative explanations for observations are inherent in geological science, but seem to have been ignored when addressing concepts that have social and financial repercussions, such as climate change, environmental degradation, and catastrophic Earth events. Floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and landslides—all are demanding political and policy attention.  Sorohktin, Chilingar, and Sorohktin are meeting that challenge with a book that documents the basis of the Earth sciences and prepares the reader to make better informed decisions about Earth-processrelated problems <...>

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