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Geology for engineers and environmental scientists / Геология для инженеров и ученых-экологов

Издание 3
Автор(ы):Kehew A.E.
Издание:Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006 г., 704 стр., ISBN: 0-13-145730-6
Geology for engineers and environmental scientists / Геология для инженеров и ученых-экологов

The content and technical level of a geology text for engineers is a matter of broadly differing opinion. The type of geology course required for engineering students at llniversities around the United States varies from introductory physical geology, earth science, engineering geology, or to no course at all. This situation results from diHerences in philosophy, engineering curricula, and geology faculty available to teach such a course. Geologi; fo·r Engineers and Envirom11tmtnl Scientists is an attempt to provide a broad introduction to the earth sciences with an emphasis on engineering and environmental applications of the science <...>

ТематикаРегиональная геология, Экология
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