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Volcanologist / Вулканолог

Автор(ы):Firestone M.
Издание:Chelse Hous, 2006 г., 77 стр., ISBN: 0-7910-8702-6
Volcanologist / Вулканолог

IN 1993, volcanologist Dr. Stanley Williams was standing inside Galeras, an active volcano located in Colombia, South America (Figure 1.1). Steam was rising around him, and gases were escaping from nearby fumeroles. He had tested the gases and heat from the volcano earlier, and had determined that it was safe to go inside the volcano. A team of other volcanologists and a few tourists were with him, taking photographs and exploring the area. Suddenly, the volcano erupted. Flying rocks, lava, and fire killed six people instantly. Dr. Williams ran from the explosion, his backpack in flames. Two of his fellow volcanologists were able to reach him through the smoke,and they pulled him to safety. Severely injured, Williams survived to tell his story. But this incident was a strong reminder of just how dangerous his job could be.

Volcanology is a science devoted to the most powerful explosive force on Earth—volcanic eruptions. Volcanologists love the challenge and the thrill of studying dangerous, active volcanoes. Their work brings them close to the awesome power of nature, and also helps them save thousands of lives. <...>

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