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Seismicity of the United States, 1568-1989 (Revised) / Сейсмичность Соединенных Штатов, 1568-1989 (пересмотренный вариант)
Macroseismic effects of the principal earthquakes occurring in the United States from 1568 through 1989 are described. Principal earthquakes are defined as those of Modified Mercalli intensity > VI or Richter magnitude > 4.5. Exceptions are the State of Alaska and the offshore areas of California, Oregon, and Washington, where the magnitude cutoff is > 5.5. A tabular list of earthquake data giving date, location, magnitude, intensity, and reference information for each earthquake is provided for 47 States (earthquakes in the categories described above were not reported in Iowa, Maryland, Wisconsin, or the District of Columbia). Following each table is a brief narrative of the damaging effects of each earthquake of intensity £ VI. The narrative includes, where reported, a description of property damage and geologic effects as well as an estimate of the total area over which the shaking was sensibly felt by humans. Isoseismal maps, depicting the areal distribution of effects, and photographs of property damage and geologic effects complement the narratives of selected earthquakes. <...>