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40Ar/39Ar, K/Ar, and fission track geochronology of sediment-hosted disseminated gold depositsat at Post-Betze, Carlin Trend, Northeastern Nevada - a reply
We appreciate the comments on our paper on the Post-Betze sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposit which indicate that clarification is required. Ilchik suggests alternative interpretations of our findings with regard to two main issues: the nature of the sill that we have described as "postore," and the absolute age of Post-Betze mineralization in the context of the overall spread in the dates presented in our paper. We address these issues in turn.
The postore sill, which we also loosely originally termed "dike," is important in that it brackets the timing of gold mineralization. Although Ilchik suggests that this intrusion predates mineralization, the weight of evidence is to the contrary. Whereas the postore sill is composition-ally similar to preore Goldstrike stock-equivalent rocks, it is texturally quite distinct. In fact, it was distinctive enough for us to map it out in the subsurface from drill core, something which we were unable to do for any of the other sills. Comparatively, the rock is little altered and it is the only one in the ore zone that retains primary bio-tite. Assays shown in figure 5 of Arehart et al. (1993) are the original assays done on 5-ft intervals before the core was logged; in some samples mineralized inclusions are present within the sample interval. More detailed analysis of this rock type, when clear of any inclusions of mineralized sedimentary rock, yields very low values for gold. This is true of samples from several core holes. In sharp contrast, the preore dikes and sills are all significantly altered and mineralized (i.e., well above background in areas of sedimentary rock mineralization), although they are generally of lower grade than the surrounding sedimentary rocks. We are well aware of the erratic nature of and lithologic control on gold mineralization in sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits that are also seen at Post-Betze. Even taking this into consideration, it is clear that there is effectively no gold in the postore sill in comparison to significant gold in preore dikes and sills.