Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Berta A.
Издание:The Regents of the University of California, 2012 г., 221 стр., ISBN: 978-0-520-27057-2
Return to the sea. The life and evolutionary. Times of marine mammals / Возвращение в море. Жизнь и эволюция. Времена морских млекопитающих

Mammals, like nearly all other tetrapods (or four- legged animals), evolved on land. Marine mammals are a diverse assemblage of at least seven distinct evolutionary lineages of mammals that independently returned to the sea and include whales, dolphins, and porpoises (Cetartiodactylans); seals, sea lions, and walruses (Pinnipedia); sea cows (Sirenia); extinct sea cow relatives (Desmostylians); polar bears; sea and marine otters; and extinct aquatic sloths. The secondary adaptation of mammals to life in water required various morphological specializations, including for some lineages dramatic changes in body size and shape compared to their terrestrial relatives. Marine mammals are relatively large, with streamlined bodies and reduced appendages (for example, small or no external ears) and thick fur or fat layers for insulation. Other modifi cations for swimming and diving include the transformation of limbs into fl ippers and/or use of the tail for propulsion in water. <...>

Автор(ы):Long M.R., Savage R.J.G.
Издание:Facts On File Publications, 1986 г., 259 стр., ISBN: 0-8160-1194-Х
Mammal evolution an illustrated guide / Эволюция млекопитающих иллюстрированное руководство

Shelley's lines paint a picture of a lost world, a world resurrected from the antiquities of Greek mythology. But Shelley had more than ancient legends to go on; he was acutely aware of the discoveries of great extinct beasts from the writings of contemporary naturalists. It is known that Shelley attended lectures on mineralogy at Oxford and possessed a library of scientific works which included the writings of Newton, Laplace, Herschel, Davy and Erasmus Darwin. By 1812 he was familiar with James Parkinson's Organic remains published in three volumes between 1804 and 1811.

Автор(ы):Kemp T.S.
Издание:Oxford university press, 2005 г., 341 стр., ISBN: 0-19-850760-7
The origin and evolution of mammals / Происхождение и эволюция млекопитающих

There are about 4,600 species of animals today that are called mammals because, despite an astonishing diversity of form and habitat, they all share a long list of characters not found in any other organisms, such as the presence of mammary glands, the single bone in the lower jaw, and the neocortex of the forebrain. This makes them unambiguously distinct from their closest living relatives, and their unique characters together define a monophyletic taxon, the class Mammalia. Three subgroups are readily distinguished amongst the living mammals.

Автор(ы):Agusti J., Anton M.
Издание:Columbia University Press, 2002 г., 344 стр., ISBN: 0-231-11640-3
Mammoths, sabertooths and hominids. 65 million years of mammalian evolution in Erope / Мамонты, саблезубые и гоминиды. 65 миллионов лет эволюции млекопитающих в Европе

To succeed in writing a book about the age of mammals in Europe appears to be a difficult goal, especially in light of such brilliant precedents as The Age of Mammals by H. F. Osborn and The Age of Mammals by Bjo¨rn Kurten. In between this book and the 1971 version of The Age of Mammals there is not only the extraordinary scientific personality of Kurten but also thirty years of additional knowledge about fossil mammals and the environment in which they evolved.

Автор(ы):Prothero D.R.
Издание:CRC Press, 2022 г., 464 стр., ISBN: 978-0-367-65176-3
Vertebrate evolution from origins to dinosaurs and beyond / Эволюция позвоночных от истоков до динозавров и после

I’ve already written several books about fossils and paleontology, including a college textbook in paleontology for upper-level undergraduates (Bringing Fossils to Life, 2nd ed., 2013, Columbia University Press) and a popular book about fossil collecting (Fantastic Fossils, 2020, Columbia University Press), but I’ve never found a book that gives a good general introduction to vertebrate history for the general reader and fossil enthusiast with high-quality color illustrations, so this book is intended to fll that need.

Редактор(ы):Богданова Т.Н., Бугрова Э.М., Олейников А.Н., Ошуркова М.В., Суяркова А.А.
Издание:Санкт-Петербург, 2011 г., 157 стр., УДК: 56:57.071.72:551.7.022.2, ISBN: 978-5-93761-162-8
Темпы эволюции органического мира и биостратиграфия. Материалы LVII сессии Палеонтологического общества при РАН (5-8 апреля 2011 г., Санкт-Петербург)

В сборник включены тезисы докладов LVII сессии Палеонтологического общества на тему «Темпы эволюции органического мира и биостратиграфия», отражающие различные направления этой крупной проблемы, начиная с докембрия и кончая голоценом. В ряде тезисов освещаются вопросы темпов развития различных групп органического мира, скорость появления, длительность существования и скорость вымирания таксонов, появление и развитие микроорганизмов в докембрии, эволюция биосферы фанерозоя в целом. Часть тезисов затрагивает вопросы влияния эколого-палеогеографических обстановок (литолого-фациальной зональности, биотических и абиотических событий в истории Земли) на изменение биоразнообразия и темпы эволюции фауны и флоры. Большинство тезисов посвящено проблемам использования этапов и темпов эволюции различных групп организмов при разработке и совершенствовании региональных корреляционных стратиграфических схем, сопоставления границ региональных стратонов в западных, центральных и восточных регионах России.

Сборник рассчитан на широкий круг палеонтологов, стратиграфов и геологов различных направлений геологической науки.

Автор(ы):Fortey R.
Издание:1997 г., 425 стр., ISBN: 978-0-307-76118-7
Life. A natural history of the first four billion years of life on Earth / Жизнь. Естественная история первых четырех миллиардов лет жизни на Земле

This book would not have been as it is without the trenchant editing of Heather Godwin, nor without the punctilious attentions of Stuart Proffitt. I owe them both a great debt. I sincerely thank Robin Cocks and Neale Monks for acting as scientific readers, and for commenting on sundry facts. Claire Mellish kindly drew two of the diagrams. I particularly thank Chris Stringer, Theya Molleson and Robert Kruszynski for anthropological advice. Many friends and colleagues helped me by providing illustrations and advice (they carry no responsibility if I did not heed the latter).

ТематикаИсторическая геология
Автор(ы):Prothero D.R.
Издание:Columbia University Press, New York, 2007 г., 612 стр., ISBN: 978-0-231-51142-1
Evolution. What the fossils say and why it matters / Эволюция. О чем говорят окаменелости и почему это важно

Thomas Henry Huxley proclaimed the Origin of Species to be “the most potent instrument for the extension of the realm of knowledge which has come into man’s hands since Newton’s Principia.” Ernst Mayr, arguably the greatest evolutionary theorist since Darwin, asserted that the Origin of Species triggered the greatest paradigm shift in the history of science. The late paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould, who inherited Huxley’s mantle as public intellectual, called the theory of evolution one of the half dozen most important ideas in the entire history of Western thought. The philosopher of science Daniel Dennett called evolution the most dangerous idea in the history of science.<...>

Автор(ы):Стрелковский В.И.
Издание:Мецниереба, Тбилиси, 1973 г., 189 стр.
Проблема соотношения формы и функции в эволюции животных

В книге дается критический анализ истории и современного состояния проблемы. Раскрывается содержание понятий «форма» и «функция». Опираясь на анализ по истории развития некоторых органов и структур животных, автор выдвигает и обосновывает положение о двойственной природе функций, как основе филогенетических изменений органов. Положение о двойственности функции представляет собой закономерность, которая позволяет раскрывать механизмы переходов органов от одного качественного состояния к другому, преобразование их строения. Это обстоятельство позволяет также по-новому подойти к объяснению некоторых сторон эволюционного процесса, таких, например, как направленность филогенетического развития, возникновения новых свойств, функций и признаков, скачкообразного характера переходов от одного состояния к другому, причин длительного сохранения рудиментарных органов и явлений рекапитуляции признаков предков в онтогенезе потомков и др.


Автор(ы):Clack J.A.
Издание:Indiana University Press, 2012 г., 559 стр., ISBN: 978-0-253-00537-3
Gaining ground the origin and evolution of tetrapods / Набирающий обороты вопрос о происхождении и эволюции четвероногих

Approximately 380 million years ago, something strange and significant happened on Earth. That time is part of an interval of Earth’s history called the Devonian period by scientists such as geologists and paleontologists, but in more popular imagination, it is known as the Age of Fishes. The reason for this is that after about 200 million years of earlier evolution, the vertebrates—animals with backbones—had produced an explosion of fishlike animals that lived in the nearshore lagoons, river estuaries, and lakes of the time. The strange thing that happened from the middle to the later parts of the Devonian period is that some of these fishlike animals evolved limbs with digits—fingers and toes. Over the ensuing 350 million years, these tetrapods gradually evolved from their aquatic ancestry into walking terrestrial vertebrates. These have dominated the land ever since this initial explosive radiation allowed them to colonize and exploit the land and its opportunities. The tetrapods, with their limbs and fingers and toes, include ourselves as humans, so that this distant Devonian event is profoundly significant for humans as well as for the planet <...>

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