Автор(ы):Dubey A.K.
Издание:Springer, 2014 г., 404 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-05587-9
Understanding an orogenic belt. Structural evolution of the Himalaya / Понимание орогенных поясов. Структурная эволюция Гималаев

Structural geology is the study of deformation features in rocks from microscopic to map scale. The required data are collected in field and supplemented by laboratory studies, aerial photographs, satellite imageries, and subsurface data (mostly obtained by geophysical methods). A geologist must explore an area with an open mind and interpretations and hypothesis must be based on actual field observations.

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Автор(ы):Ребецкий Ю.Л.
Издание:Москва, 2003 г., 53 стр., УДК: 551.2/.3
Напряженно-деформированное состояние и механические свойства природных массивов по данным о механизмах очагов землетрясений и структурно-кинематическим характеристикам трещин

Диссертационная работа «Напряженно-деформированное состояние и механические свойства природных массивов по данным о механизмах очагов землетрясений и структурно-кинематическим характеристикам трещин» на соискание ученой» посвящена разработке методологии расчета и анализа тектонических напряжений и отвечающих им квазипластических деформаций массивов горных пород размером первые сотни метров – первые десятки километров по натурным данным о разрывных (трещинных) деформациях.

Автор(ы):Megson T.H.G.
Издание:Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996 г., 648 стр., ISBN: 0-340-63196-1
Structural and stress analysis / Структурный анализ и анализ напряжений

The purpose of this book is to provide, in a unified form, a text covering the associated topics of structural and stress analysis for students of civil engineering during the first two years of their degree course. The book is also intended for students studying for Higher National Diplomas, Higher National Certificates and related courses in civil engineering.

Издание:Bochum, 2005 г., 93 стр.
Development of pull-apart basins and associated structures by the riedel shear mechanism: insigth from scaled clay analogue models / Разработка бассейнов пул-апарт и связанных с ними структур с помощью механизма сдвига Риделя: выводы из моделирования

The physical and mechanical properties of clay materials required to scale the tectonic analogue experiments are analysed based on the modern soil mechanics concepts. A practical procedure for the determination of these properties is presented. Scaled clay experiments under Riedel shear mechanism produced a series of typical pull-apart structures. At the initial stages of the development of the deformation zone within the clay slab, the synthetic shear fractures (Riedel shears) display dilatational behaviour.

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Редактор(ы):Bruhn D., Burlin L.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2005 г., 475 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-178-5
High-strain zones: Structure and physical properties / Зоны повышенной деформации: структура и физические свойства

Most of the deformation on Earth is concentrated in relatively narrow high-strain zones (e.g. plate boundaries). The purpose of this volume was to address different aspects dealing with high-strain zones, from the map scale to the processes active in high-strain zones to the physical properties of highly strained rocks. Several of the contributions were originally presented in a special session entitled 'High-Strain Zones' at the EGSAGU-EUG meeting 2003 in Nice, France, which inspired the compilation of this book. <...>

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
Автор(ы):Barnett W., Bernhard J.K., Myers R., Uken R.
Издание:Society of Economic Geologists, 2020 г., 32 стр.
Structural analysis of drill core for mineral exploration and mining: review and workflow toward domain-based 3-D interpretation / Структурный анализ керна для разведки и добычи полезных ископаемых: обзор и рабочий процесс для трехмерной интерпретации

Structural data is vital for the understanding of the geometry and evolution of a deposit and feeds into geologic, structural, resource, and geotechnical models. Accurate models are critical for targeting, resource estimation, and geotechnical design and, if rapidly available, support real-time decisions on drilling and grade control. 

Редактор(ы):McClay K.R., Shaw J., Suppe J.
Издание:AAPG, 2011 г., 400 стр., ISBN: 978-0-89181-376-7
Thrust fault-related folding / Складчатость, связанная с движением земной коры

This volume arises from papers and posters presented at the International Conference on Fault-Related Folding in Foreland Basins held in Beijing in 2005 and organized by Vice President Chengzhao Jia of the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED) of PetroChina and Professor John Suppe of Princeton University and the Tarim Oilfield Company of PetroChina, and researchers from Nanjing and Zhejiang Universities in China.

ТематикаГеодинамика, Геотектоника, Структурная геология
Автор(ы):Дружинин А.В., Казанский В.И.
Издание:Москва, 1957 г., 40 стр.
Сборник заданий по специальным методам геологического картирования
ТематикаГеологическое картирование, Структурная геология
Редактор(ы):Evans B., Wong T.-f.
Издание:Academic Press, 1992 г., 519 стр., ISBN: 0-12-243780-2
Fault mechanics and transport properties of rocks / Механика разломов и проводящие свойства горных пород

w. F. Brace's career has several parallels with the institution from which all his degrees were granted. Both emphasized fundamental training in sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry and the rigorous application ofthat training to applied problems. Both demand scrupulous attention to data collection, followed by aggressive interpretation of the implications of the data. Both flirted with Harvard. Early in this century, M.I.T. almost became Harvard's engineering school. During his doctoral research, Brace took Courses and advice from J. B. Thompsen and others at Harvard; and he returned later to do postdoctoral work with Francis Birch. <...>

ТематикаГорное дело, Структурная геология
Автор(ы):Cuoghlin T., Holcombe R.
Издание:Holcombe Coughlin and Associates, 2008 г., 18 стр.
Oriented drill core protractor templates / Транспортирные шаблоны для ориентированного бурения

Each of the following pages contains a protractor for a specific size of drill core. 

Choose the appropriate chart for the drill core size. Check the core diameter to choose the appropriate template within each core size grouping.

The protractors are in two groups: beta angle protractors and alpha/beta angle protractors. In practice I find that the beta angle protractor alone is best as it is least cluttered with lines (and alpha angles are easily measured using a protractor). <...>

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