Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Том 5
Редактор(ы):M.Cocks, Richard C.Selly, Robin L., Ian R.Plimer
Издание:Elsevier, Oxford, 2005 г., 810 стр., ISBN: 0-12-636380-3 (set)
Encyclopedia of Geology. S-W


Few areas of science can have changed as fast as geology has in the past forty years. In the first half of the last century geologists were divided, often bitterly, between the drifters and those who believed that the Earth and its continents were static. Neither side of this debate foresaw that the application of methods from physics, chemistry and mathematics to these speculations would revolutionize the study of all aspects of the Earth Sciences, and would lead to accurate and detailed reconstructions of world geography at former times, as well as to an understanding of the origin of the forces that maintain the continental movements. This change in world-view is no longer controversial, and is now embedded in every aspect of the Earth Sciences. It is a real pleasure to see this change, which has revitalized so many classic areas of research, reflected in the articles of this encyclopedia. Particularly affected are the articles on large-scale Earth processes, which discuss many of the new geological ideas that have come from geophysics and geochemistry. Forty years ago we had no understanding of these topics, which are fundamental to so many aspects of the Earth Sciences. The editors have decided, and in my view quite rightly, not to include detailed discussion of the present technology that is used to make geophysical and geochemical measurements. Such instrumental aspects are changing rapidly and become dated very quickly. They can easily be found in more technical publications. Instead the editors have concentrated on the influence such studies have had on our understanding of the Earth and its evolution, and in so doing have produced an excellent and accessible account of what is now known.

Any encyclopedia has to satisfy a wide variety of users, and in particular those who know that some subject like sedimentation or mineral exploration is part of geology, and go to an encyclopedia of geology to find out more. The editors have made a very thorough attempt to satisfy such users, and have included sections on such unexpected geological topics as the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere, the geology of Jupiter, Saturn, and their moons, aggregates, and creationism. I congratulate the editors and authors for producing such a fine summary of our present knowledge, and am particularly pleased that they intend to produce an online version of the encyclopedia. Though I have become addicted to using the Internet as my general encyclopedia, I will be delighted to be able to access something concerned with my own field that is as organized and scholarly as are these volumes.

Dan McKenzie

Royal Society Professor of Earth Sciences

Cambridge University, UK

ТематикаГеологический словарь
Том 4
Редактор(ы):M.Cocks, Richard C.Selly, Robin L., Ian R.Plimer
Издание:Elsevier, Oxford, 2005 г., 694 стр., ISBN: 0-12-636380-3 (set)
Encyclopedia of Geology. N-S

Few areas of science can have changed as fast as geology has in the past forty years. In the first half of the last century geologists were divided, often bitterly, between the drifters and those who believed that the Earth and its continents were static. Neither side of this debate foresaw that the application of methods from physics, chemistry and mathematics to these speculations would revolutionize the study of all aspects of the Earth Sciences, and would lead to accurate and detailed reconstructions of world geography at former times, as well as to an understanding of the origin of the forces that maintain the continental movements. This change in world-view is no longer controversial, and is now embedded in every aspect of the Earth Sciences. It is a real pleasure to see this change, which has revitalized so many classic areas of research, reflected in the articles of this encyclopedia. Particularly affected are the articles on large-scale Earth processes, which discuss many of the new geological ideas that have come from geophysics and geochemistry. Forty years ago we had no understanding of these topics, which are fundamental to so many aspects of the Earth Sciences. The editors have decided, and in my view quite rightly, not to include detailed discussion of the present technology that is used to make geophysical and geochemical measurements. Such instrumental aspects are changing rapidly and become dated very quickly. They can easily be found in more technical publications. Instead the editors have concentrated on the influence such studies have had on our understanding of the Earth and its evolution, and in so doing have produced an excellent and accessible account of what is now known.

Any encyclopedia has to satisfy a wide variety of users, and in particular those who know that some subject like sedimentation or mineral exploration is part of geology, and go to an encyclopedia of geology to find out more. The editors have made a very thorough attempt to satisfy such users, and have included sections on such unexpected geological topics as the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere, the geology of Jupiter, Saturn, and their moons, aggregates, and creationism. I congratulate the editors and authors for producing such a fine summary of our present knowledge, and am particularly pleased that they intend to produce an online version of the encyclopedia. Though I have become addicted to using the Internet as my general encyclopedia, I will be delighted to be able to access something concerned with my own field that is as organized and scholarly as are these volumes.

Dan McKenzie

Royal Society Professor of Earth Sciences

Cambridge University, UK

ТематикаГеологический словарь
Том 3
Редактор(ы):M.Cocks, Richard C.Selly, Robin L., Ian R.Plimer
Издание:Elsevier, Oxford, 2005 г., 661 стр., ISBN: 0-12-636380-3 (set)
Encyclopedia of Geology. G-M

Few areas of science can have changed as fast as geology has in the past forty years. In the first half of the last century geologists were divided, often bitterly, between the drifters and those who believed that the Earth and its continents were static. Neither side of this debate foresaw that the application of methods from physics, chemistry and mathematics to these speculations would revolutionize the study of all aspects of the Earth Sciences, and would lead to accurate and detailed reconstructions of world geography at former times, as well as to an understanding of the origin of the forces that maintain the continental movements. This change in world-view is no longer controversial, and is now embedded in every aspect of the Earth Sciences. It is a real pleasure to see this change, which has revitalized so many classic areas of research, reflected in the articles of this encyclopedia. Particularly affected are the articles on large-scale Earth processes, which discuss many of the new geological ideas that have come from geophysics and geochemistry. Forty years ago we had no understanding of these topics, which are fundamental to so many aspects of the Earth Sciences. The editors have decided, and in my view quite rightly, not to include detailed discussion of the present technology that is used to make geophysical and geochemical measurements. Such instrumental aspects are changing rapidly and become dated very quickly. They can easily be found in more technical publications. Instead the editors have concentrated on the influence such studies have had on our understanding of the Earth and its evolution, and in so doing have produced an excellent and accessible account of what is now known.

Any encyclopedia has to satisfy a wide variety of users, and in particular those who know that some subject like sedimentation or mineral exploration is part of geology, and go to an encyclopedia of geology to find out more. The editors have made a very thorough attempt to satisfy such users, and have included sections on such unexpected geological topics as the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere, the geology of Jupiter, Saturn, and their moons, aggregates, and creationism. I congratulate the editors and authors for producing such a fine summary of our present knowledge, and am particularly pleased that they intend to produce an online version of the encyclopedia. Though I have become addicted to using the Internet as my general encyclopedia, I will be delighted to be able to access something concerned with my own field that is as organized and scholarly as are these volumes.

Dan McKenzie

Royal Society Professor of Earth Sciences

Cambridge University, UK

ТематикаГеологический словарь
Том 2
Редактор(ы):M.Cocks, Richard C.Selly, Robin L., Ian R.Plimer
Издание:Elsevier, Oxford, 2005 г., 545 стр., ISBN: 0-12-636380-3
Encyclopedia of Geology. E-F

Few areas of science can have changed as fast as geology has in the past forty years. In the first half of the last century geologists were divided, often bitterly, between the drifters and those who believed that the Earth and its continents were static. Neither side of this debate foresaw that the application of methods from physics, chemistry and mathematics to these speculations would revolutionize the study of all aspects of the Earth Sciences, and would lead to accurate and detailed reconstructions of world geography at former times, as well as to an understanding of the origin of the forces that maintain the continental movements. This change in world-view is no longer controversial, and is now embedded in every aspect of the Earth Sciences. It is a real pleasure to see this change, which has revitalized so many classic areas of research, reflected in the articles of this encyclopedia. Particularly affected are the articles on large-scale Earth processes, which discuss many of the new geological ideas that have come from geophysics and geochemistry. Forty years ago we had no understanding of these topics, which are fundamental to so many aspects of the Earth Sciences. The editors have decided, and in my view quite rightly, not to include detailed discussion of the present technology that is used to make geophysical and geochemical measurements. Such instrumental aspects are changing rapidly and become dated very quickly. They can easily be found in more technical publications. Instead the editors have concentrated on the influence such studies have had on our understanding of the Earth and its evolution, and in so doing have produced an excellent and accessible account of what is now known.

Any encyclopedia has to satisfy a wide variety of users, and in particular those who know that some subject like sedimentation or mineral exploration is part of geology, and go to an encyclopedia of geology to find out more. The editors have made a very thorough attempt to satisfy such users, and have included sections on such unexpected geological topics as the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere, the geology of Jupiter, Saturn, and their moons, aggregates, and creationism. I congratulate the editors and authors for producing such a fine summary of our present knowledge, and am particularly pleased that they intend to produce an online version of the encyclopedia. Though I have become addicted to using the Internet as my general encyclopedia, I will be delighted to be able to access something concerned with my own field that is as organized and scholarly as are these volumes.

Dan McKenzie

Royal Society Professor of Earth Sciences

Cambridge University, UK

ТематикаГеологический словарь
Автор(ы):Ананьева Е.Г., Мирнова С.С.
Издание:Эксмо, Москва, 2007 г., 256 стр., УДК: 550.3/551 (031), ISBN: 5-699-18925-4
Земля. Полная энциклопедия

В книге «Земля» из серии «Полная энциклопедия» рассказывается об удивительной планете, на которой мы живём. Читатели познакомятся с особенностями происходящих на ней процессов. Многие рассмотренные темы соответствуют школьной программе по физической географии, а те, которые выходят за её пределы, послужат дополнительным материалом при подготовке к экзаменам.

Яркие иллюстрации и увлекательные сюжеты о необычных явлениях природы непременно заинтересуют школьников и не оставят равнодушными всех, кто интересуется географией.

Эта книга - о нашей планете, о том, как она живёт и по каким законам развивается. Вы узнаете много нового о тех явлениях природы, которые мы наблюдаем каждый день; и о тех загадочных феноменах, которые случаются раз в столетия. Вы поймёте, почему в ясный день небо голубое, а на закате - красное; увидите, как образуются атмосферные вихри и разрушительные волны цунами; узнаете, почему на нашей планете день чередуется с ночью и времена годасменяют друг друга.

Как ведёт себя шаровая молния? Почему на мачтах парусных кораблей зажигаются огни Святого Эльма? Есть ли «глаза» у тропических циклонов? Как образуются облака и полярные сияния? Почему в одних районах Земли безмолвные льды, а в других - знойные пустыни? Как дают имена ураганам? С какой силой давит на людей атмосфера? Почему синие моря называются Белым, Красным, Чёрным и Жёлтым? Где происходят землетрясения и можно ли их предсказать? Вот лишь некоторые вопросы, на которые Вы найдёте ответы на страницах этой книги.

Далеко не все явления природы до конца исследованы учёными, и не на все вопросы можно с уверенностью ответить. У планеты

Земля есть множество загадок, которые ещё предстоит отгадать.

Пусть эта книга окажется первой ступенькой знакомства с жизнью нашей планеты и с удивительной наукой географией, которая, быть может, станет вашей будущей профессией.

Том 1
Редактор(ы):M.Cocks, Richard C.Selly, Robin L., Ian R.Plimer
Издание:Elsevier, Oxford, 2005 г., 633 стр., ISBN: 0-12-636380-3 (set)
Encyclopedia of Geology. A-E

Few areas of science can have changed as fast as geology has in the past forty years. In the first half of the last century geologists were divided, often bitterly, between the drifters and those who believed that the Earth and its continents were static. Neither side of this debate foresaw that the application of methods from physics, chemistry and mathematics to these speculations would revolutionize the study of all aspects of the Earth Sciences, and would lead to accurate and detailed reconstructions of world geography at former times, as well as to an understanding of the origin of the forces that maintain the continental movements. This change in world-view is no longer controversial, and is now embedded in every aspect of the Earth Sciences. It is a real pleasure to see this change, which has revitalized so many classic areas of research, reflected in the articles of this encyclopedia. Particularly affected are the articles on large-scale Earth processes, which discuss many of the new geological ideas that have come from geophysics and geochemistry. Forty years ago we had no understanding of these topics, which are fundamental to so many aspects of the Earth Sciences. The editors have decided, and in my view quite rightly, not to include detailed discussion of the present technology that is used to make geophysical and geochemical measurements. Such instrumental aspects are changing rapidly and become dated very quickly. They can easily be found in more technical publications. Instead the editors have concentrated on the influence such studies have had on our understanding of the Earth and its evolution, and in so doing have produced an excellent and accessible account of what is now known.

Any encyclopedia has to satisfy a wide variety of users, and in particular those who know that some subject like sedimentation or mineral exploration is part of geology, and go to an encyclopedia of geology to find out more. The editors have made a very thorough attempt to satisfy such users, and have included sections on such unexpected geological topics as the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere, the geology of Jupiter, Saturn, and their moons, aggregates, and creationism. I congratulate the editors and authors for producing such a fine summary of our present knowledge, and am particularly pleased that they intend to produce an online version of the encyclopedia. Though I have become addicted to using the Internet as my general encyclopedia, I will be delighted to be able to access something concerned with my own field that is as organized and scholarly as are these volumes.

Dan McKenzie

Royal Society Professor of Earth Sciences

Cambridge University, UK

ТематикаГеологический словарь
Том 4
Редактор(ы):Исмаилова С.Т.
Издание:Аванта+, Москва, 1995 г., 624 стр., УДК: 087.5, ISBN: 5-86529-021-5
Энциклопедия для детей. Том 4. Геология.

В томе "Геология", не имеющем аналогов в современной научно-популярной литературе для детей, доступным языком изложены последние достижения теоретической и прикладной геологии. Читатель узнает о возникновении и строении Земли, слагающих её горных породах, геологических процессах, зарождении и эволюции жизни. В разделах, посвященных полезным ископаемым, подчёркнута не только их экономическая, но и культурная и эстетическая роль в ж#зни человечества от древнейших времён до наших дней. В составлении статей принимали участие известные учёные и преподаватели МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова и ведущих институтов Российской Академии наук. Через всю книгу проходит мысль о древних и вполне возможных будущих катастрофах, об уникальности и уязвимости планеты Земля.

Хорошо иллюстрированная, книга рассчитана на детей среднего и старшего школьного возраста, но, несомненно, будет интересна всем, кто интересуется естествознанием.

Автор(ы):Буканов В.В.
Издание:Гранит, Прага, 2008 г., 419 стр., ISBN: 5-94216-017-1
Цветные камни. Энциклопедия

Эта книга зарекомендовала себя как один из лучших справочников о цветных камнях. Её первый вариант в виде «Геммологического словаря» вышел в 2001 году, затем в 2006 году в Праге напечатано её расширенное и прекрасно иллюстрированное английское издание. На конкурсах Российского минералогического общества, обе книги отмечены дипломами. В данный вариант энциклопедии, по сравнению с предыдущим, внесены многочисленные исправления и дополнения. Однако сокращено количество фотографий и 21 приложение со списками уникальных самоцветов, их оптических свойств, торговых названий, а также перечень месторождений и неметрических единиц измерения.

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