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Издание:Geology Society of America, 2011 г., 49 стр., ISBN: 978-0-8137-2481-2
A new geological map of the Island of Syros (Aegean Sea, Greece): Implications for lithostratigraphy and structural history of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit / Новая геологическая карта острова Сирос (Эгейское море, Греция): значение для литостратиграфии

The Island of Syros (Cyclades, Greece) is a prime locality for the study of processes active in deep levels of orogens and is world famous for its exceptionally well preserved blueschist- to eclogite-facies lithologies. Syros Island was completely remapped at a scale of 1:25,000. Detailed lithostratigraphical observations and areawide, closely spaced structural measurements allowed a much more detailed depiction of the highly variable lithological assemblage, as well as of the complex structural evolution.

Том 39, Выпуск 4
Издание:Москва, 2005 г., 7 стр.
A New Record of an Azhdarchid (Pterosauria: Azhdarchidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Volga Region

A distal fragment of a radius of Azhdarchidae indet. from Upper Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) marine deposits of Saratov is described. The bone belongs to a large pterosaur, of about 4.3 m wing span. It differs from the radii of Azhdarcho, Montanazhdarcho, and cf. Quetzalcoatlus in the asymmetrical distal epi-physis and, in addition, from Montanazhdarcho and cf. Quetzalcoatlus in the absence of a pneumatic foramen on the posterior side. In its geographical and stratigraphical positions, this specimen is close to the azhdarchid Bogolubovia orientalis (3–4 m in wing span), known from a fragmentary cervical vertebra from the Campanian of the Penza Region, and may belong to this species.

Издание:Springer, 2014 г., 231 стр., ISBN: 978-81-322-1568-4
A Petrographic atlas of ophiolites. An example from the eastern India-Asia collision zone / Петрографический атлас офиолитов. Пример из восточной Индо-Азиатской коллизионной зоны

The basic tenet of the plate tectonic paradigm is that a newly generated oceanic plate is subducted at a trench. However, it is widely accepted today that some material is not subducted, but is accreted to form an accretionary wedge or prism, within which there may be a preserved section of the oceanic crust/mantle, known as an ophiolite.

Автор(ы):Ashcroft W.
Издание:Wiley Blackwell, 2011 г., 350 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4443-3262-9
A petroleum geologist's. Guide to seismic reflection / Нефтяная геология. Руководство по сейсмическому отражению

This book is written for anyone who wants to get quickly ‘up to speed’ on some aspect of reflection seismology as it affects the seismic interpreter. It is a development of course notes on seismic reflection interpretation which have been given to students on the MSc course in Petroleum Geology at Aberdeen University over many years, and thus it takes the form of a course manual rather than a systematic textbook. It can be used as a self-contained course for individual study or as the basis of a class programme. The notes were originally provided to make the subject more accessible to geology students, but this volume should also prove useful to others, such as petroleum engineers, who have to work in an integrated exploration or development team side by side with geophysicists and geologists. Much petroleum exploration and production is now driven by the seismic reflection survey technique, so that all team members need to know quite a lot about it.<...>

Редактор(ы):Bourke M.C., Viles H.A.
Издание:Planetary Science Institute, 2007 г., 87 стр., ISBN: 0-9785236-0-1
A photographic atlas of rock breakdown features in geomorphic environments / Фотографический атлас разрушений горных пород в геоморфологии

A primary goal of geomorphological enquiry is to make genetic associations between process and form. In rock breakdown studies, the links between process, inheritance and lithology are not well constrained. In particular, there is a need to establish an understanding of feature persistence. That is, to determine the extent to which in situ rock breakdown (e.g., aeolian abrasion or salt weathering) masks signatures of earlier geomorphic transport processes (e.g., fluvial transport or crater ejecta). Equally important is the extent to which breakdown during geomorphic transport masks the imprint of past weathering (Viles et al., 2005). <...>

Автор(ы):Case G.R.
Издание:Van Noslrand Reinhold, 1982 г., 535 стр., ISBN: 0-442-22651-9
A pictorial guide to fossils / Иллюстрированный путеводитель по окаменелостям

Fossils occupy a unique niche in the world of nature. As relic animal and plant remains, fossils serve as insights into nature’s past. The collecting of fossils can be an exciting and pleasurable experience, whether as a hobby or a profession. Finding a specimen and realizing its age, provides us with a knowledge and appreciation of the progression of life throughout the earth’s history.

Автор(ы):Hollocher K.
Издание:CRC Press, 2014 г., 319 стр.
A pictorial guide to metamorphic rocks in the field / Практическое полевое руководство по метаморфическим горным породам

This book is a photographic introduction to metamorphic rocks. It is meant to be a survey of mostly typical metamorphic rocks, minerals, and structures as they appear in the field, and the metamorphic processes that make them. Its purpose is to help guide the eye of any student of geology to better see the geologic features in metamorphic rocks that might otherwise remain invisible or obscure. This book is a training tool, one of many, to help budding geologists of metamorphic rocks, young and old. <...>

Автор(ы):Lindholm R.C.
Издание:George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London, 1987 г., 290 стр., ISBN: 978-94-011-7685-9
A practical approach to sedimentology / Практический подход к седиментологии

This book is designed for a one-semester course in sedimentology taken by advanced undergraduate or graduate students. It gives detailed descriptions of sedimentary features and the analytical methods used to evaluate them and is intended to support and reinforce principles presented in lectures. Discussion of principles and processes is found in complimentary texts, such as Leeder's (1982) Sedimentology: process and product and selected readings in professional journals. 

Автор(ы):Hengl T.
Издание:JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, 2007 г., 164 стр., ISBN: 978-92-79-06904-8
A practical guide to geostatistical mapping of environmental variables / Практическое руководство по геостатистическому картированию переменных окружающей среды

Geostatistics is a subset of statistics specialized in analysis and interpretation of geographically referenced data (Goovaerts, 1997; Webster and Oliver, 2001; Nielsen and Wendroth, 2003). In other words, geostatistics comprises statistical techniques that are adjusted to spatial data. Typical questions of interest to a geostatistician are:

how does a variable vary in space?

what controls its variation in space?

where to locate samples to describe its spatial variability?

how many samples are needed to represent its spatial variability?

what is a value of a variable at some new location?

what is the uncertainty of the estimate?

Том 1
Автор(ы):Castroviejo R.
Издание:Springer, 2023 г., 850 стр., ISBN: 978-3-031-12653-6
A practical guide to ore microscopy. Volume 1. Mineral identification / Практическое руководство по рудной микроскопии (минераграфия). Часть 1. Определение минералов

Optical microscopy of metallic ores, based on the polarising reflected light microscope and initially known as mineragraphy, developed rapidly in the second half of the last century. It has become an indispensable tool for the study and beneficiation of mineral deposits and, in many cases, the technique par excellence for metallogenic research, to such an extent that the optical reflection microscope came to be known as the metallogenic microscope.
